Davide Adorni

Perhaps the heart of the Cittadella defense, this will be Davide Adorni’s fourth year with the granata. A solid center back, Adorni has proved to be one of Cittadella’s main starting center backs. Adorni was born in Parma. Growing up, he was a part of Parma’s Primavera, going all the way to the U19’s. From

Cittadella put 16 past Alpe Cimbra

Cittadella defeats Alpe Cimbra 16-0 in their first preseason match of the season. The match began at 5pm local time and the granata seemed to have proved too much for Alpe Cimbra. Goals today coming from Giacomo Beretta, Luigi Cuppone, Orji Okwonkwo, Valerio Mastrantonio, Davide Adorni, and Primavera player Saliou Thioune, who is joining the